How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news! Romans 10:15
I never thought feet were beautiful. In Albania with all the walking and dusty streets your feet get dirty fast but walking is the main means of transportation. We walk to Church, to meet people, to buy things, and even just for fun. As we walk we talk with our neighbors as we pass and be an example every where we go. It takes us twice as long to get somewhere because we stop to greet people along the way. In modern day society I feel like we are turning into a culture of hurry up and go with no time for talking to others. I encourage you to take a walk and greet those you meet. Say hello to your neighbors and get to know the people around you. Use those God given feet and share the good news of Christ!
With the help of God we are accomplishing goals and building the kingdom of God. We have started a men's bible study in Kavaje. Three or four men are meeting together weekly in the house of Drita. We thank God that Drita continues to be a blessing by allowing her house to be open to others.
We have also found a good lead on a building for the church in Durres. Please pray that all will work out and we can raise the money that we need to be able to purchase a church. Our space now is very cramped and it would be nice not to waste God's money on rent.
Here is a list of our weekly activities in the churches in Durres and Kavaje. Please pray for these meetings, to see growth spiritually and physically.
Tuesday- 10am- Bible Study Durres
Wednesday- 11am- Bible Study at Old home- Kavaje
1pm- Kids Club- Kavaje
4:30pm- Church- Kavaje
Thursday- 10am- Women's Bible Study- Durres
4pm- Prayer meeting-Durres
Friday- 9:30am- Women's Bible Study-Kavaje
10:30am- Men's Bible Study- Durres
Saturday- 4pm- Youth Group- Durres
Sunday-10am-Church- Durres
3pm- Men's Bible Study- Kavaje
Especially pray for the Old home in Kavaje. They have a new director and the new director would like us to limit our services to twice a month. The residents on the other hand would like to see us more than once a week. He would also like for us to give monetary donations to the Old home. We would like to help them occasionally but our budget is very small. We do purchase snacks for all the residents once a week. Pray that the director would be more open to us.
Member Spotlight:
*Please pray for Romi & Shpresa, wedding is March 16th.
*Director of the Old home
*Funding of a new Church home for us.
*Praise David is doing well. He turned 9 months yesterday!
Serving in His name,
Arian & Stefanie Kosta
Address: L3 Rr Egnatia AP:1043 Durres, Albania
If you would like be added to our email list please email us!
Arian & Stefanie Kosta
Address: L3 Rr Egnatia AP:1043 Durres, Albania
If you would like be added to our email list please email us!
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